The Breadth of History
Adds Richness and Context to Life
Discover the wealth of knowledge and experience of those who have gone before
The Time Travelers
History Makers
Follow Mrs. Johnson's class as they discover the remarkable women who paved the way for Equal Rights in California.
Archival Connections
Archival Institutions and Related Connections – Places You May Find Resources
California State Archives
The California State Archives serves a wide variety of researchers whose interests range from legislative intent and public policy to genealogy and railroad history in California
Highlights of California Collections
A thoughtfully curated selection from the extensive resources accessible to the public across our Golden State, refreshed each month.
California Museum
The California Museum — home of the California Hall of Fame — engages, educates and enlightens people about California’s rich history, diversity and unique influence on the world of ideas, innovation, art and culture.
Board of Directors

News / Updates
The Friends of California Archives also produces news releases, stories of archival interest and actively supports National Archives Month.
See our latest News/Updates below:

Interesting Facts:
California’s first Constitutional Convention met for thirty-seven days in Monterey, from September 1 to October 13, 1849.
“All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.”